- 奥下和彦
- Kazuhiko Okushita
金沢美術工芸大学視覚デザイン科、東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科アニメーション専攻卒。FOGHORN所属。2009年に制作した「赤い糸」が数々のコンペに入賞し、世界最大のデジタルフィルムフェスティバル「RESFest」のファウンダーJonathan Wellsのキュレーションにより”TED2010 Long Beach”で同作品が上映されネット上の話題をさらう。更に2011年よりTV朝日の「報道ステーション」のオープニング映像を担当しグッドデザイン賞を受賞。以後多くのTV-CM、MUSIC VIDEO、イラストレーション、絵画の展示販売、そしてライブペインティングを手掛け、現在に至る。本人テレビ出演も多数。
A Japanese animation director, illustrator, VJ and Live Painter.17
Well known as a creator of “Red Strings”, which was his school project, screened at “TED 2010 Long Beach”, curated by Jonathan Wells who was a founder of “RESFest”, the most acknowledged digital film festival of the world.
After that he made an opening and ending animation for a very famous Japanese news program called “Houdou Station(Report Station)” from channel 10, and became one the most well known animation creator in Japan, later awarded GOOD DESIGN PRIZE.
One line drawing based on rotoscope is his expertise, and he is very flexible about colors, texture of lines and motif to be animated. So many clients and advertising agencies have been fascinated by his taste and skill.
Now he had made more than 50 TV and web commercials for the national clients, also have done book covers, wall paintings for a famous baseball club in Hiroshima, VJ, and so many live paintings.
動畫短片導演 / 插畫家
目前所屬於FOGHORN。以2009年製作的「赤い糸」入圍各大競賽,國際數位電影影展「RESFest」的創辦人 Jonathan Wells 在「TED2010 Long Beach」的簡報中播送該作,引起網路熱議。於2011年開始擔任朝日電視台的節目「報道Station」的片頭動畫導演,以之獲得日本的優良設計獎(Good Design Award),自此展開多樣的活動與製作,從電視廣告、音樂錄影帶、插畫、畫作展覽販售到現場作畫表演,現在也持續活躍中。本人也時常參與電視節目錄影。
- OFFICIAL WEB SITE: http://okushitakazuhiko.com/