- 伊藤有壱
- Yuichi Ito
1962年 東京生まれ。
1985年 東京藝術大学美術学部デザイン科卒業。
1988年まで VFXプロダクション(株)白組に在籍。
1988年 CGプロダクション(株)アクセスの設立に参加、同取締役。
1995年より 3年間のフリーランスを経て、
1998年 I.TOON Ltd.を設立。同取締役代表。
TBS DigiCon6 ASIA 審査員
1962 Born in Tokyo
1985 BFA Tokyo University of the Arts Fine Art department Design course
Work history
1985-1988 Technical director at VFX production, SHIROGUMI INC.
1988-present Co-founder and a board member at CG production Access inc.
1998-present Founder and executive director at Animation studio I.TOON Ltd.
2008-present Professor at Graduate School of Film and New Media Tokyo University of the Arts, Animation Department.
A member of the ASIFA-JAPAN.
A member of the board of directors of the Japan Animation Association [JAA].
A member of TV program deliberation committee of Television KANAGAWA.
- OFFICIAL WEB SITE: http://www.i-toon.org